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Traverse a sonic phenomenon, on an intrepid adventure through a resounding tranquility. 

There’s never been a collection quite like it, until now.  Tweed. The new album by John Krueger is now streaming from a satellite above you. -C. Rodgers

Tweed was recorded in Atlanta, GA over a span of 4 years with some of my best friends who also happen to play instruments. -JK

Artwork by Matt Veal & Julia Tillery

Special Thanks

Tomei, Joe & Em, PB, Michstar, Z, Reen, Jack’s On, Wilson clan, Ash, Amo, Ter-ber, Rowboat, E-lamb, Atty, Issac J, &-drew, Gunny, Zo-e, My Walking Buddy, Linduh, WheatBrad, Kendra O-H, Mat(t), Meag, Lil’Gen, B-ri, Gus, Laura-Liz, Canada, Lu, Steve-o, E-rock, LRen, Where’s Waldo, Yvonne, Sum, Tre, Liza, Dylz, Lizabeth, Beran Residence, Con-Rad’s, Ronster, Kelz, Shaggy, Lindz, Peppers, Julz, MarshalArts, Mac, Beltzy, Ry, Drea, Shawwwn, Jon, Jar, Ducci’s, Acostaz, Rachel aka Stevie Nicks, WillBe, Chane-mane, Lem, D-love, Manda, Heartbreaker, Jr., Beth, Coco, ET, No. 9, Brady Bunch, Tianahh, Timmy, JJ,  Rach, Eth, Firminator, Yusuf, Yendel, Nigel, Pettyjohn, Thad, Finding Cory, Hinsons, A-aron, O, Marsh, LL, Wesley crew, Waterz, Sherm, Adrian, Shanks, Tobius, my dog Nilsson, my cat Rufus, oh yeah and Mama & Pops.  

This album is dedicated to my late uncle and roll model, Scott Krueger.